Rainbow Fertility Programme
The Rainbow Programme
I am excited to introduce my unique Rainbow Programme honed from five years intensive research learning how I can help my clients experiencing non medical fertility issues. The programme may help by using a range of complementary therapy treatments for couples trying to conceive. The programme
provides therapies, counselling and an independent overview for couples. As a therapist it is both an honour and a privilege to share this time with my clients who are going through one of the most challenging times they are likely to face when they find conceiving a child isn't 'just going to happen' for them.
I have developed the Rainbow Programme to help overcome fertility issues with natural therapies. Like the rainbow, you may not find a pot of gold at the end of it but it will be a new way of looking at fertility issues and coming to terms with the emotions and frustrations some couples experience when trying to start a family. The seven colours in the rainbow are also the seven colours of the human chakras, this will be expanded on within the programme of treatments.
Generally, clients will have started down the allopathic route and often, there appears to be nothing physically wrong to prevent conception. At this point, some people decide to try natural therapies because they are not keen on the IVF option. Alternatively, they have gone down the IVF route and have been devastated because they have been unsuccessful and have made the decision to try natural therapies as a last resort.
The reasons it doesn't happen are for the Universe to influence but being in the right physical, mental and emotional state will help someone cope with the outcome in the best possible way.
Diet, nutrition and toxin overload are assessed, as well as physical, emotional, energetic and electro-magnetic testing to see if we can pinpoint areas that can be supported by kinesiology, reflexology, aromatherapy or natural healing. Here, I have briefly described each therapy and explained how they can be used to help.
Realistically, it's impossible to cover every subject on the checklist in fewer than six sessions and it may take longer. All factors will be discussed at length, however, before the treatments start and you are free to stop at any time without detriment to your wellbeing. It's simply that there are physical observations that can't be rushed into a limited time frame.
Body Typing is a kinesiology modality researched by Dr Chris Astill-Smith, offering an insight to the foods that suit specific body types. We can check pathways within the body relating to body type and ensure the best nutrition to support you. It's similar to Ayurvedic medicine, where the body types are called 'kapha', 'pita' and 'vata'. In Western Society, they have been named 'endomorphs', 'mesomorphs' and 'ectomorphs'.
Biologically, we have three hormonal glands that influence growth and metabolism, thyroid, adrenal-cortex and gonads. During childhood, these glands are responsible for regulating our growth, how our tissue repairs as we age and how our metabolic rate reacts. They also reflect how we cope with different forms of stress and how we function and behave sexually.
Kinesiology looks at structural, nutritional, emotional and electro-magnetic fields within the body and uses various tools to correct any elements that are out-of-balance. To find an appropriate outcome, sometimes I use acupuncture points (but without needles!), flower remedies, homeopathy, foods and/or nutrition. This testing process also checks that mobile phones and other electronic devices aren't affecting you and the ways to protect you if they are. Testing to ensure that such toxins as radiation, aluminium and mercury are not present in the body are important for everyone but even more so when trying to conceive.
In recent months, I've completed a post-graduate course with Dr Adrian Brito-Babapulle that uses key principles from Qi Gong, Chinese medicine, the chakra model, energy gates, Weihe and trigger points. TEK (Therapeutic Energy Kinesiology) is a complete system that allows the practitioner to bring a client's energy into balance. This in itself is therapeutic and begins the healing process from baseline. The suitability of homeophathic remedies/flower remedies are chosen and tested to ensure an accurate response.
Why is this so important with fertility issues?
Healing isn't always physical. All holistic therapies address our subconscious but this protocol in particular probes the realms of the subconscious, releasing fears and concerns the client may not even be aware of. A specific aspect of the testing is called Dead Pelvis Syndrome ( DPS), where the subconscious issues gravitate and need to be addressed. Holistic thinking on this subject suggests that if a block is causing DPS, it needs to be corrected before the person can move on and hopefully conceive.
Temperature charts and an analysis of menstrual cycle for women, as well as diet and lifestyle checks for both partners are important elements of the treatment. It is likely to involve detailed questioning and if you have not done so already, giving up alcohol, cigarettes and fast foods! Changing to a more alkaline diet and drinking lots of pure water are important to help the body repair from cell level.
Based on the results of this analysis and testing work, a way forward can be identified, often involving the introduction of reflexology or aromatherapy to the personalised programme.
Let's start with reflexology, because most people who have started their research on holistic forms of help with fertility will know it is high on the list.
First and foremost, most couples are extremely stressed when faced with fertility issues. Stress is complex in nature and affects almost all parts of the body in some way. There is some evidence it affects fertility in both men and women.
The mechanical link with fertility is mainly an endocrine one, starting with the hypothalamus that communicates with the nervous and endocrine system. The hypothalamus secretes a number of hormones; one is called gonadotrophic-releasing hormone (GnRH). This hormone passes to the pituitary gland, stimulating the release of two further hormones, Luteinising hormone (LH) and Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH ensures the uterus lining is ready to receive an embryo. FSH stimulates the ovary to release the egg into the fallopian tubes.
If you are stressed, 'Mr Hypo' produces a corticotrophin releasing factor. This is a brain chemical, which sends a message to the pituitary to produce adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). The message then passes to the adrenal glands and they produce adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol.
All this is bad news for the couple trying to conceive because the end result is gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH). This suppresses the production of 'our friend' at the beginning of this explanation, GnRH, which you will remember stimulates LH and FSH, both of which are vital for conception. It is interesting, if unproven that many women feel they may have conceived and then have a period, so assume they did not.
Possibly within a stressed environment, even if the egg is fertilised, the uterus may not be fully prepared to receive the embryo beyond the fertilisation stage to embed in the uterine lining and grow. The woman may have conceived, however. As a holistic therapist, I believe that with techniques used in reflexology to balance the whole body, combined with a technique called 'linking' to link up hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries and uterus, we can get the body's endocrine system 'talking' and by using stress relieving techniques, balance the system to help alleviate the stress factors discussed previously.
Moving on from reflexology but not forgetting that information will also be taken from daily temperature charts that influence the timing of reflexology sessions, we examine the length and quality of menstrual cycle. Essential oils are used to balance and support you, as well as helping to provide relaxation!
An explanation of how to recognise what's happening in your cycle comes first but I find most people know about this already, so it can be expanded if necessary if you decide to try this programme.
Aromatherapy is relaxing and nurturing for the person. Sometimes a 'hands-on' relaxing treatment can help immensely with the worries and frustrations experienced. It creates a time to relax and reflect, knowing you are doing something positive to further your goal but feeling good right now!
From the female perspective, we will be looking at the temperature chart to determine what's happening in your cycle. We then select essential oils to stimulate oestrogen or progesterone and follow key practises within traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), because some essential oils stimulate liver and kidney energy, which are considered vital in TCM for conception and a healthy pregnancy. This may take the form of a full body massage. Alternatively, oils can be supplied for daily application to encourage whatever effect is required.
The use of essential oils to improve fertility is widely documented but while the benefits of rose, lavender and geranium are well-known, the skill is when best to use them. If there is too much oestrogen, the oils that may be used in a massage are geranium, sweet fennel, clary sage and rose. To improve strength in the uterus, a different combination of oils may be clary sage, rose and frankincense. Although there is still the need for aromatherapy skills to know the most likely oils to use, with kinesiology we can test the oils selected for the individual.
Perhaps the best way to explain how this works is to use the example of uterus strengthening. The first selection includes clary sage oil, which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce oestrogen and help as a uterine tonic. Rose is invariably the first choice for fertility issues, calming, nurturing, good for depression, connecting to your sexuality and creativity and supportive of the heart. Frankincense is relevant if there has been an earlier miscarriage, helping to heal past emotional wounds and creating a calming effect on sexual nervous tension.
Conversely, for someone who is extremely stressed about the situation, as well as maintaining a demanding job, ylang ylang may be helpful to soothe anxiety, energise reproductive organs and provide support for geranium and lavender. Geranium has a balancing effect on the hormone system and regulates it, while lavender helps with irregular or scanty periods and is again very relaxing.
There are many possible combinations, all tailored to the needs of the individual. Ultimately, however, kinesiology allows the body to select the exact oils it needs gives this programme its unique style.
Healing gives the individual time and space to settle the mind and balance their energies, with someone holding the 'space' for them. Some clients who have previously not even considered this option find it incredibly relaxing and cathartic. Where appropriate, this treatment is offered, together with advice about chakras and crystals to support energy levels.
The information provided here represents my personal views and observations, based on many years of helping people through different situations. Should you decide to start on the programme offered, don't expect it to be one-sided. Occasionally, you may have to try something quite different, eg affirmations or meditation if I think there is good reason to support your progress. Essentially, however, it is a voyage of self-help from you with support from me, hopefully to arrive at the destination you want.
We all know there are no guarantees in life but sometimes, the way you deal with events creates opportunities. As one door closes, another opens and I hope that will be the way you see it.
Reproductive Reflexology/Nutrition/Scanning
If you have read “about me” you’ll know that in the last three years I have been privileged to help many couples with non-medical infertility.
After reading a book “Reflexology for Fertility” by an amazing lady called Barbara Scott, I took her post-graduate training course covering both natural and assisted conception.
I’ve been a reflexologist for some 20 years but the protocols we use as Members of the Reproductive Reflexology Association are very different to traditional reflexology. Please visit the website for more information:
Since learning reproductive reflexology and teaching couples about charting and understanding natural body signs to assist conceiving my success in helping couples has trebled!
I use protocols from the Rainbow Programme, checking your nutrition and body energy using a 21st century scanning system.
Please see see separate page for information
Using these comprehensive options I can offer you an opportunity to ensure you are both in optimal health to conceive naturally.
If you have no option, due to health issues or perhaps time is not on your side to try for a baby naturally, I can work along your assisted medicated cycles for all forms of IVF/ICIS treatment.
Price List
Rainbow Conception Package £680
2 x Nutrition Scans
Quickly check to see if your body is handling nutrition effectively and how to improve it.
2 x Full Body Scans
The scan is in-depth, covering numerous body organs and whilst this is taking place you can sit comfortably in a chair with the headphones on that convey information to the human body field (HBF)
The scan provides options where the human body field could do with some assistance. The scan system provides corrections to the HBF there and then.
You are also offered other options to continue to improve you wellbeing in-between scans.
12 x Reproductive Reflexology Treatments, ideally every week to assess/review the menstrual cycle.
A temperature chart needs to be completed for the full duration of treatments by the client.
Full information with charts provided and discussed at the first treatment
Benefit from the reduced rate reflexology price and further saving of £120.00!
Taster Rainbow Conception Package £370
1 x Nutrition Scan
Quickly check to see if your body is handling nutrition effectively and how to improve it.
1 x Full Body Scan
The scan is in-depth, covering numerous body organs and whilst this is taking place you can sit comfortably in a chair with the headphones on that convey information to the human body field (HBF)
The scan provides options where the human body field could do with some assistance. The scan system provides corrections to the HBF there and then.
You are also offered other options to continue to improve you wellbeing in-between scans
6 x Reproductive Reflexology Treatments, ideally every week to assess/review the menstrual cycle.
A temperature chart needs to be completed for the full duration of treatments by the client.
Full information with charts provided and discussed at the first treatment.
Benefit from the reduced rate reflexology price and further saving of £30.00!!!!!
I’ve given some incredible discounts to encourage a course of treatments. It’s imperative to work together for some months to get the body to optimal balance, however, if you want to discuss single treatments or book just 6 Reproductive Reflexology Treatments without the other support offered the prices are listed below:
Reproductive Reflexology Treatment £50.00
Book 6 treatments at a time for £50.00 (£300.00) & get 7th treatment free